June 7, 2007

  • writing

    As the lateness of the night slowly catches up to me, I wonder how much of a zombie this imsomniac will end up being at work tomorrow

    "Writing is not just jotting down ideas. Often we say, 'I don't know what to write. I have no thoughts worth writing down.' But much good writing emerges from the process of writing itself. As we simply sit down in front of a sheet of paper and start to express in words what is on our minds or in our hearts, new ideas emerge, ideas that can surprise us and lead us to inner places we hardly knew were there.

    "One of the most satisfying aspects of writing is that it can open in us deep wells of hidden treasures that are beautiful for us as well as for others to see."

           - Henri Nouwen, _Bread for the Journey_, Entry for April 28

Comments (9)

  • beautiful passage. it makes a lot of sense as to that blog i began writing that ended up being four pages long on word... single spaced. haha!... hope you're not too tired at work... just drink lotsa coffee....through the course of the entire day--so not to crash. haha! ...ganbatte

  • coffee. caffein. sweets. water. catch up on ur sleep ;)

  • i see that you found my xanga and i found yours! at first i didn't know which calvin you are until I squinted my eyes to try to recognize your face in the picture haha

  • completely left field, consider your avatar a pic with you as the background instead of the focal point.  Just some brain fart.

    I hear ppl who works out in the afternoon have an easier time falling asleep at nite.  Random thoughts.

  • sounds like how i would describe creating art or drawing

  • in resp to your comment:

    it was hard at first..... but once u learn how to, it makes perfect sense and everything becomes more bearable.... it's like piercing a hole through a tough leather bag overfilled and sealed with water. it's hard to pierce coz if the outer shell, but once ur in there, things flow out so naturally.

    does that make sense?...

    as always tho.... prayer is what really makes it work wonders. it's a powerful thing for us to know how to pray. just use it.

    <3 lots

  • yuppp...a new position in my current company, so I am doing something completely different right now! :)

  • cool layout and have a brand new week, my friend :)

  • Have a Happy Thanksgiving Day!

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